Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So Jett truly is his own person. Last night at dinner he didn't want the soup we were having. We had to go find some cereal. We were at Grandma Shepard's so the choices were limited. The kitchen had Honeynut Cheerios so that is what Jett chose. We went back to the table where I got Jett the cereal all ready. He said "Mom I need the Parmesan cheese." Gross Jett, but the boy put some on his cereal and ate it all saying "See mom it's not gross its delicious!" Boys will be boys I guess.

Jett loves going to see Grandma Shepard, he even pushes her all around the center. All the people there, residents and staff alike love seeing Jett and his smiling face! :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Non-Resolutions!!!

So it's a New Year and Jett will be 3. There are a lot of things he says and does and my Mom always says "Did you write that down? You're gonna wish you wrote that down." Well I didn't write most of them down so all the cute things he's already said and done are gone. So this year I figured I'd start a journal (this blog)  so that I can write down and share with the family all the cute things and not so cute things Jett says and does.

Gonna back up a month or so. I work nights at Jetblue so needless to say I'm tired driving home in the morning. I crashed my car into a light pole, yes i'm ok only damage to the car and light pole. I got a new car,Jett loves it because I got a "Jett" yep we took the A off so now  my Jetta is a Jett!!